VMRI Product Index

The VMRI Product Index includes medicines approved in the Member States of the European Union according to the procedure for Mutual Recognition.
The mutual recognition procedure is based on that medicines are evaluated and approved by a Reference Member State (RMS) followed by a 90-day period where the Concerned Member States (CMS) consider the RMS assessment report. If the CMS agree with the assessment they should issue a marketing authorisation within 120 days from the start of the procedure. If the CMS does not agree with the RMS decision they can refer the application to arbitration, the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) at the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) will handle the arbitration.
The VMRI Product Index is available at https://mri.cts-mrp.eu/portal/home?domain=v
Please be informed that meanwhile Regulation 2019/6 (EC) came into force and is applicable since 28th January 2022. Following the application of Regulation 2019/6 (EC) the Union product database has been developed as the central database for providing information on veterinary medicinal products available in Member States. For this reason, the link to the VMRI Product Index will only be maintained temporarily. Access to UPD can be found here: UPD Public Portal
Please note that the VMRI product index and Union Product Database (UPD) are not linked and in the latter case the functionality of UPD is still under development. As such, it is advised that both databases should be consulted in order to retrieve the currently valid product literature texts.